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Items to Use in Memorial Quilts from Clothes 


A memorial quilt is a special quilt made from pieces of a late loved one’s clothing. These custom-tailored quilts allow family members and friends to feel close to someone who has passed away.


Although quilts made from a person’s t-shirts and other fabric items can be made for a variety of reasons, memorial quilts are especially popular as a way to pay tribute to a lost family member or friend. 


Why Make Memorial Quilts from Clothes? 


When you lose a loved one, it can be comforting to find ways to feel connected to them once again. For many people, the clothes they wear are a big part of who they are and what people recognize about them. Creating a quilt out of your loved one’s most well-worn and recognizable clothing items can help you feel their presence when you miss them the most.


What Can Be Used to Make Memorial Quilts from Clothes?


There are several distinct items that make great additions to memorial quilts. Here are a few of the best options to pay tribute to your loved one:




If your loved one had a few t-shirts they cycled through often or even a distinctive favorite, these shirts can make great squares in your memorial quilt. T-shirts are often representative of special memories, whether they are from a family get-together, a work event, or a sports team. These memories can come together beautifully in the form of memorial quilts made from clothes.


T-shirts work particularly well when they’re colorful and eye-catching, as they can make a pleasing pattern within a quilt. Logos and designs can take center stage, reminding you of the tapestry of a loved one’s life.




Perhaps your family member or friend loved to wear sturdier shirts like flannels, rather than T-shirts. Luckily, flannel material makes for a very soft and cozy quilt, all while creating a very aesthetically pleasing pattern.


You can combine all of your loved one’s favorite flannels to craft beautiful memorial quilts from clothes. If they often wore their flannels to work, you can use this quilt to pay tribute to their many years of dedication to their career. 




Not everyone has a favorite t-shirt, but many people have a favorite sweatshirt. You can feel close to your late loved one by wrapping yourself in a quilt artfully woven from their worn, soft sweatshirts.


If sweatshirts sport the name of a workplace or alma mater, you can easily pay tribute to your loved one’s career or school pride while keeping a precious and familiar piece of clothing by your side.   




If a friend or family member always kept a bandana on their person, whether around their head or in their pocket, memorial quilts from clothes are a great place to include accessories like these. 


Interested in creating memorial quilts from clothes to honor a loved one? Learn more about Texas T-Shirt Quilts or take a look at our pricing options today.


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